Saturday, August 11, 2012

Last Day

My last day at HMI was more bitter than sweet. I will definitely miss it and the people I worked with. It was such a fun, laid back atmosphere and it was not at all a chore to come in. No coffee runs for me! The day wasn't long, but what I did do was complete the rest of the list of Milwaukee activity websites on which I had to post our calendar of events. I also finished up our Excel spreadsheet of tour reports. After a tour, the guide fills out a slip on how many people showed up, how much money we made depending on who took the tour (different prices for different categories), how the visitors heard about HMI, etc. With each row of information entered, it was fun to see the dollar amount rise! I also received from one of our guides a list of hotels in which we should put our brochures, since many visitors find us through hotels. So my task was to assemble a letter explaining our mission and requesting the distribution of brochures included in the envelop, along with a few tour vouchers. Addressed and weighed those, and I was out the door! I promised to visit again soon, and I certainly plan on it! This experience has helped me grow in a big way by being more responsible, learning new things, and being a part of a team. I will never forget my great experience at HMI!

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